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ABOUT Author

Authors STORY

“Wisdom comes with a cost but once paid it has no need to be a burdens.”

A. Rose weir is a local author, born and raised in Dunedin, Florida. Self-labeled as old-souled, lesbian, and formerly disabled, she uses those hardships that built her as inspiration to create. Not bound to any set genre, she is finding new ways to welcome readers into worlds of fiction, sci-fi, and fantasy.

Her previous focus was on personal and deep poetry, as well as a short fiction story for middle grade/YA voicing the importance of self advocacy at a young age. After compiling years of poetry, she published her first book, Silver Linings, through Two Penny Publishing, eventually connecting with Voyages Publishing: Aurora Prism Editions under Voyages Publishing to create larger works.

In addition to writing, A. Rose Weir fully enjoys her work as a massage therapist. Outside of work, she enjoys downtime with her wife and family doing crafts, being out by the water, or taking quiet time to read.


What Amber started with

Amber Weir first published a poetry eBook making Amazon best seller.


Coming Soon

Book 2 in the Dawning Hour Chronicles - Vengeance by Blood


fiction, supernatural, sci-fi, and romance

through short stories, independent novels, and series. 


Latest Releases

Through Blood by Fate - 06/07/2024

Kaleidoscope Eyes - 05/10/2022

Silver Linings - 12/15/2021

upcoming Titles

Vengeance by Blood

Blood Bound by Royal Demands

and more.


Published under


Amber has never shied away from her traumatic experiences or the impact she has lived as a result. She continues to use that which is at her disposal, in this case poetry, to show the path of processing that which is heavy in a way that is both healing and healthy. Amber has used her creative talents to show all survivors that there is a way through!

Maritza Barrera, LMFT, CCH, QS

Amber's poetry is hauntingly beautiful, taking the pain of loss and sewing them into this book. Anyone who has battled emotions can relate to these words. Subjects such as love, tragedy, and struggling with oneself are all eloquently written in a beautiful poem book.

"Screaming Mind" was my personal favorite, as I grew up suffocating myself. Amber's words are a powerful conduiet that is raw as heals you as you go through her journey of self reflection.

A good book to cuddle up with on a somber, rainy night.

Laurie Colin, local artist

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